Monday, June 8, 2009

Plant polysaccharides

Plant polysaccharides

Two glucose polymers of plant origin are of
special importance among the polysaccharides:
β14-linked polymer cellulose
and starch, which ismostly α14-linked.

A. Cellulose 

Cellulose, a linear homoglycan of β14-
linked glucose residues, is the most abundant
organic substance in nature. Almost half of the
total biomass consists of cellulose. Some
40–50% of plant cell walls are formed by cellulose.
The proportion of cellulose in cotton
fibers, an important raw material, is 98%. Cellulose
molecules can contain more than 104
glucose residues (mass 1–2 106 Da) and can
reach lengths of 6–8 μm.
Naturally occurring cellulose is extremely
mechanically stable and is highly resistant to
chemical and enzymatic hydrolysis. These
properties are due to the conformation of
the molecules and their supramolecular organization.
The unbranched β14 linkage results
in linear chains that are stabilized by
hydrogen bonds within the chain and between
neighboring chains (1). Already during
biosynthesis, 50–100 cellulose molecules associate
to form an elementary fibril with a
diameter of 4 nm. About 20 such elementary
fibrils then form a microfibril (2), which is
readily visible with the electron microscope.
Cellulose microfibrils make up the basic
framework of the primary wall of young plant
cells (3), where they form a complex network
with other polysaccharides. The linking polysaccharides
include hemicellulose, which is a
mixture of predominantly neutral heteroglycans
(xylans, xyloglucans, arabinogalactans,
etc.). Hemicellulose associates with the cellulose
fibrils via noncovalent interactions. These
complexes are connected by neutral and
acidic pectins, which typically contain galacturonic
acid. Finally, a collagen-related
protein, extensin, is also involved in the formation
of primary walls.
In the higher animals, including humans,
cellulose is indigestible, but important as
roughage . Many herbivores (e. g.,
the ruminants) have symbiotic unicellular organisms
in their digestive tracts that break
down cellulose and make it digestible by the

B. Starch 

Starch, a reserve polysaccharide widely distributed
in plants, is the most important carbohydrate
in the human diet. In plants, starch
is present in the chloroplasts in leaves, as well
as in fruits, seeds, and tubers. The starch content
is especially high in cereal grains (up to
75% of the dry weight), potato tubers (approximately
65%), and in other plant storage
In these plant organs, starch is present in
the form of microscopically small granules in
special organelles known as amyloplasts.
Starch granules are virtually insoluble in cold
water, but swell dramatically when the water
is heated. Some 15–25% of the starch goes
into solution in colloidal form when the mixture
is subjected to prolonged boiling. This
proportion is called amylose (“soluble
Amylose consists of unbranched α14-
linked chains of 200–300 glucose residues.
Due the α configuration at C-1, these chains
form a helix with 6–8 residues per turn (1).
The blue coloring that soluble starch takes on
when iodine is added (the “iodine–starch reaction”)
is caused by the presence of these
helices—the iodine atoms form chains inside
the amylose helix, and in this largely nonaqueous
environment take on a deep blue
color. Highly branched polysaccharides turn
brown or reddishbrown in the presence of
Unlike amylose, amylopectin, which is
practically insoluble, is branched. On average,
one in 20–25 glucose residues is linked to
another chain via an α16 bond. This leads
to an extended tree-like structure, which—
like amylose—contains only one anomeric
OH group (a “reducing end”). Amylopectin
molecules can contain hundreds of thousands
of glucose residues; their mass can be more
than 108 Da.

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